Finn x Holly

Finn has bred Yaqui’s Holly for the Assistance Dog Institute/Bergin University. Holly is a good-looking, laid-back golden with a solid structure and a willing temperament. Her pedigree is a highly outcrossed combination of American conformation and field lines with English, Canadian, and Australian CH lines. We hope this breeding will produce a healthy litter of future service dogs!  Holly whelped 6 pups via C-section just after midnight on August 24, 2010 — 3 M and 3 F, all weighing in over a pound and all healthy, as is Mom! Welcome to the “D” litter!

Sweet Holly

Happy Holly on the move

Holly stacked (out of coat)

first moments

Dinner time!

Here area few pix I took when I first visited them at 3 1/2 weeks old.

Black Boy "Darren" just hangin' out at 3.5 weeks old

Purple Boy "Dallas" has a snooze on a warm arm.

Yellow Girl "Dana"

Gold Girl "Dawn"

early "Bitey-Face" play

Puppies at Bergin University begin “learning how to learn” at a very early age! Here is Darren at just 4 weeks old working with Sae.

First retrieve!

I don't think the puppy kisses need to be taught....

Christine and I evaluated the litter at 8 weeks, and here are some pix:






Daisy Doo

Dana aka Haiku


Dana, now known as Faraway’s Seventeen Sillybles “Haiku” stayed with us! Visit her webpage by clicking on her name.

Have you ever seen bigger smiles?

Darren and Dallas at 8 months old.

The pups are growing up! Here are L–>R at a year old.

L-->R: Dallas, Dawn, Daisy, Haiku, and Darren.

Handsome Dallas

Daisy, Haiku, and Father Finnegan, January 2012.

Daisy, Haiku, and Darren with his student, Brian, January 2012.

Darren is turning into a big beautiful boy!

Faraway's Where Eagles Dare at 17 months old.

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